Universal Bluetooth Mini Tablet Keyboard Market Products Choice provide mini gaming keyboard,iphone mini keyboard,joystick keyboard Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Case For toshiba AT10PE-A-105 10.1 inch Tablet Keyboard Language Layout Customize Stylus+OTG Cable. Get Discount Now!Only US $15.49/piece at this time. Hurry buy Now before back to normal price! Normal price US $18.89 or you can Check price now. Dont waste your time. Buy Now only at Buy Store Trusted Seller Store!
Have a look at our evaluation to obtain the ideal items you wish. You could check out detail info about this item listed below. Check out our evaluation to get the ideal product you favor. You can check out detail info about this New Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Case For toshiba AT10PE-A-105 10.1 inch Tablet Keyboard Language Layout Customize Stylus+OTG Cable product listed below. goods prices and also accessibility are precise since the date/time showed and also go through transform. Any type of price as well as accessibility info showed on this website at the time of acquisition will relate to the purchase of this product.
The only issue that many people see in this New Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Case For toshiba AT10PE-A-105 10.1 inch Tablet Keyboard Language Layout Customize Stylus+OTG Cable goods is that it has an extremely high price as compared to other products. People state that it is very expensive and also just few people could afford this product. Well they are partly true regarding the price of the product but what they do not understand is that this Clearance Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Case For toshiba AT10PE-A-105 10.1 inch Tablet Keyboard Language Layout Customize Stylus+OTG Cable item is made with the finest products and with the finest top quality this is why it has a higher price as compared to others.2 Free Gifts
1* Stylus+1*OTG Cable
Heads Up
The case can be used to fit the tablet separately (NOT EXACTLY)It you can not accept the case size difference, we advise you dont buy it,thanks
Case size: 277*177*28mm, supporting tablet length 215-275mm, width 140-170mm, thickness max 13mm
Case color: Blue/Black/Gold
Keyboard size: 247*150*5mm
Keyboard color: Black
The keyboard is compatible with IOS/Android/Windows OS
It used to be QWERTY English keyboard, we customize other language layout by laser FREELY(Russian/Spanish/Italian/German/French/Japanese/Korean/Thai/Portuguese/Arabic etc)
Keyboard language layout customizing is ADDITIONAL FREE service, please note the keyboard language you need, or we will default send English and wont bear any responsiblity of it
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Description - Specifically designed to shelter your devices dust, shock, scratches and bumps and other daily damage.
- The PU Leather is so soft that gives you a comfortable sensation when holding and can reduce impact and bumps, offering a safe hideout for your device.
- Durable premium faux leather construction with sleek interior protects from scratches and scuffs.
Speicifications - Bluetooth version: 3.0
- Operation distance: Up to 10m
- Operation voltage: 3.0-5.0V
- Lithium battery capacity: 650mA
- Working current: <5.0mA
- Standby current: 2.5mA
- Sleeping current: <200uA
- Charging current: >100mA
- Standby time: 60 days
- Charging time: 4-4.5 hours
- Uninterrupted working time: 45 hours
- Lithium battery life: 3 years
- Lithium battery dimension: 45x25x47mm
- Key life: 5 million strokes
Return Policy
If the product you receive is not as described or low quality, the seller promises that you may return it before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe) and receive a full refund. The return shipping fee will be paid by you. Or, you can choose to keep the product and agree the refund amount directly with the seller.N.B.: If the seller provides the "Longer Protection" service on this product, you may ask for refund up to 15 days after order completion.
Seller Service
On-time Delivery: If you do not receive your purchase within 60 days, you can ask for a full refund before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe).Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Case For toshiba AT10PE-A-105 10.1 inch Tablet Keyboard Language Layout Customize Stylus+OTG Cable
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